Galerie Delalande Paris

The DELALANDE gallery has been very proud to participate to the exhibition of the French Maritime Museum on the "Obelisque journey" (12 February - 6 July 2014) by lending to the museum a famous watercolor painted by Antoine Roux on the subject.


Please find below two photos of the watercolor painted by François Roux, datable circa 1880/82, on which you can read "Corvette a vapeur le Sphinx de 160 chevaux commandée par mr Sarlat lieutenant de Vaisseau partie d'Alexandrie, ayant le Luxor a sa remorque commandé par mr Verninac-Saint-Maur".


This watercolor was the only one exhibited really representing the obelisque journey between Egypt and France.


Please find also some watercolors available on our French website.