Galerie Delalande Paris

Impressive black stained turned wood microscope.

The body has an elegant shape with a series of concentric rings of reduced sizes in both directions from a central cylindrical part covered with brown leather bearing a worked gold frieze. On the lens the top cover also has a rounded shape.

The development is obtained by screwing (endless screw) with locking system inside the side upright itself mounted on the beveled hexagonal base.

Literature : at this stage, we could only refer to a similar model presented in the “Kölnisches Sadtmuseum” in Cologne, called “Germany XVIIIth century”.

Dimensions : height of 47 cm, base: length of 21.5 cm x width of 21.5 cm x thickness of 3 cm.

Germany circa 1780.

Reference : D / LU

Price and additional photos on request. 


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Impressive black stained turned wood microscope. 
Impressive black stained turned wood microscope.
Impressive black stained turned wood microscope.
Impressive black stained turned wood microscope.
Impressive black stained turned wood microscope.
Impressive black stained turned wood microscope.
Impressive black stained turned wood microscope.