Galerie Delalande Paris

Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial in polychrome ivory, brass, steel, glass and paper. This compendium includes an horizontal dial with a string-gnomon with compass, two equinoctial dials, a Rojas-dial and a Moon dial.

Oval shape with two ivory leaves (4 faces) hinged by copper wires with four silver hooks and a gripping ring.

Note : Juan de Rojas is a Spanish mathematician and astronomer of the XVIth century, he was a pupil of Gemma Frisius. He is the popularizer of “the orthographic projection” and applied it to the construction of astrolabes. It is a planar projection of the sphere which keeps the plane of the solstices' colure as projection plane.

Reference : a similar model, but simpler and without a lunar volvelle, dated circa 1573, is in the Galileo Museum in Florence, cat.50.

Dimensions : oval shape, length of 9,5 cm x width of 7,7 cm x thickness of 2,5 cm.

Paris circa 1590.

Reference : D/D ex Bo

Price and additional photos on request. 


Also discover many more sundials in ivory in the dedicated section of our French website : « Cadrans solaires en ivoire ».

Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.
Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.
Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.
Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.
Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.
Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.
Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.
Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.
Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.
Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.
Astronomical Compendium with Rojas dial made in Paris circa 1590.