Galerie Delalande Paris

Powerful finely engraved sperm whale tooth representing two sailing ships off Kronborg Castle with the Danish flag.

The inscription "KRONBORG" is surrounded by two cannons.

Provenance : former French private collection.

Dimensions : length 17 cm x maximum height (to the right of the tooth): 9.5 cm.

Denmark 19th century.

Reference : D ex AB2

Price and additional photos on request. 


Also discover many more scrimshaws, inuit and narwhal models in the dedicated section of our French website : « Scrimshaw, inuit et narval ».

Scrimshaw representing two sailing ships off Kronborg Castle.
Scrimshaw representing two sailing ships off Kronborg Castle.
Scrimshaw representing two sailing ships off Kronborg Castle.
Scrimshaw representing two sailing ships off Kronborg Castle.
Scrimshaw representing two sailing ships off Kronborg Castle.
Scrimshaw representing two sailing ships off Kronborg Castle.