Galerie Delalande Paris

Equinoctial sundial with octagonal silver plate, supported by three turned feet, featuring a compass. The rim of the plate is signed by the renowned German manufacturer "Christoph Schoener". The gilded brass latitude arc is divided from 10 to 90 degrees. Silver hour circle graduated 3-12-9 with frieze decoration on top.

The gilded brass rotating needle gnomon is in the center of the circle. On the back, the gilded brass compass base features a list of cities with their latitudes.

Note : rare German signature.

Dimensions (plate) : length of 5.5 cm x thickness of 5.8 cm.

Augsburg circa 1690.

Reference : D ex VD7

Price and additional photos on request. 


Also discover many more sundials and equinoxial rings in the dedicated section of our French website : « Cadrans solaires en argent et laiton ».

Equinoctial sundial with octagonal silver plate signed by Christoph Schoener. 
Equinoctial sundial with octagonal silver plate signed by Christoph Schoener. 
Equinoctial sundial with octagonal silver plate signed by Christoph Schoener. 
Equinoctial sundial with octagonal silver plate signed by Christoph Schoener. 
Equinoctial sundial with octagonal silver plate signed by Christoph Schoener. 
Equinoctial sundial with octagonal silver plate signed by Christoph Schoener.